Ordering / Joining
Okay, so you know you want to jump on the oily wagon, but where the heck do you start? We're glad you asked!
Young Living offers two options for ordering product:
1. Wholesale membership
- enjoy 24% off of retail pricing
- no minimum monthly order required
- no annual membership fees
- you are never required to sell anything
- earn up to an additional 25% towards future purchases plus free
promotional items and loyalty gifts with our free Essential Rewards program
- Free expedited shipping with YL Go and YL Go+
- amazing business opportunity to work with the best essential oil company in the world
- Members of our team also get access to exclusive Facebook groups made just for us!
2. Retail customer
How to Become a Wholesale Member
In order to become a wholesale member, you will need to purchase a Premium Starter Kit. It is a fantastic value and provides you with a variety of the most common oils to start with. This kit is a $412+ retail value, but is offered to new members for only $165.
Purchasing the Premium Starter Kit automatically enrolls you as a wholesale member and allows you to purchase all future product at the wholesale cost. Don’t worry, though – Young Living isn’t like other companies. You won’t be locked into any other purchases by enrolling as a wholesale member. Membership also allows you the opportunity to start a lucrative career as an Essential Oil Educator on our team at no additional cost (but you are never required to do so).
Follow the instructions below to get started on your fantastic oily journey!
How to Become a Retail Customer
To become a Retail Customer, follow steps 1-3 below, then skip to step 7 where you will fill out your Member Information. Follow the prompts to continue and place a retail order.
1. Click HERE to go to our Team Members page and click the Member who referred you (link opens in a new window so you won't lose these instructions).
2. The membership page will open. Choose your membership type. Be sure your referring Team Member's unique Sponsor/Enroller ID is populated. Choose your country and language and click the Continue button.

3. You will be asked to confirm your Sponsor/Enroller choice, or to change it. Click Continue to confirm.
4. Choose your Premium Starter kit. NingXia Red, Thieves, and Savvy Minerals kits are on the Specialty Kits tab.

5. Click the check box (shown at the bottom of the screenshot above) to use your Premium Starter Kit as your first Essential Rewards order. This allows you to earn Essential Rewards points on your kit purchase and every monthly Essential Rewards order after that!
6. If you clicked the checkbox to use your Premium Starter Kit as your first Essential Rewards option, option, or you do not wish to enroll in our free Essential Rewards program, you can skip this step. Otherwise, this step allows you to set up your first Essential Rewards order. You can scroll through some options, or click the Customize Monthly Order button to choose which items you would like in your first monthly box (these items can be easily changed each month).
Once you have chosen the items for your first Essential Rewards order, click the checkbox to confirm your Essential Rewards order.

7. Scroll down to the Continue Enrollment section. Here you can choose to add more products to your cart or click Next. You will be asked to confirm.

8. The next screen will be your Member Information. Create a username, password, PIN. Make sure you write them down because you'll need the username and password in the future to log into your account and you'll need the PIN if you ever need to contact Customer Service.
9. Decide which Commission Processing Option is the best for you. If you are interested in the business side of Young Living, then you should select "Individual: with Social Security Number" or "Business" so that you can collect a paycheck.

10. Read and agree to the Terms and Conditions, then click Continue.
11. The next page will be your shipping and billing options. Choose the shipping option you'd like and fill in your billing information.
12. The final page will be your Enrollment Summary. Verify all is correct and click the Place Order button. You're done! Welcome to your oily future!