What are Essential Oils?
Essential oils have enhanced lives for thousands of years, offering a variety of benefits from cosmetic and dietary purposes to spiritual and religious use. Young Living has always been at the forefront of bringing this ancient tradition to modern users, introducing millions to emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness that can be truly life-changing.
Extracted through careful steam distillation, resin tapping, and cold pressing, the purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they come. Any time you hold a bottle of Young Living’s powerful essential oils, you hold nature's pure essence.
How to Use Essential Oils
You can access the power of Young Living essential oils many ways, but the most common practices include aromatic diffusion, topical application, and dietary consumption. These methods bring the pure essence of health-promoting botanicals to your home, family, and life.
Essential oils can be used to inspire a positive emotion state, enhance your physical wellness, enhance spiritual awareness, purify your home, and refine your beauty routine.

Why Young Living?
Young Living takes its stewardship of the planet and its inhabitants very seriously. They diligently scrutinize every step of their production process to bring you the purest products earth has to offer. It's called Seed to Seal. It's not a slogan; it's their calling.

Our Seed to Seal® process is our promise to you. This meticulous, five-step approach allows us to deliver nature’s most potent and pure essential oils from our farms to your family.
From the time we choose our seeds to when our products are delivered to your home, we hand-pick the very best to ensure purity and safety. We undergo this rigorous approach so we can promise you the most authentic essential oil experience—every time.
This unique approach sets us apart. We oversee every step of production to ensure that you get pure essential oils and products you won’t find anywhere else. Learn more about the journey our oils take and our unparalleled process at SeedToSeal.com.
How Do Essential Oils Work?
Essential Oils have been used for thousands of years, but why? How do they work? Are they really effective at boosting health and wellness? Let's take a look at the science behind Essential Oils...

Did You Know...
There are approximately 40 million-trillion (40,000,000,000,000,000,000) molecules in one drop of essential oil. That's about 40,000 molecules of essential oil for each cell in the human body with just ONE DROP of oil!
When essential oils are applied to the skin, their healing components are absorbed into the bloodstream by the pores and hair follicles, and can be found throughout the bloodstream within only two minutes. Once inside the bloodstream, they disperse to the specific organs and systems on which they work, reaching every cell in the body within 20 minutes. Applying to pulse points, such as wrists, temples, and back of the neck will allow for quicker absorption.
What are Carrier Oils?
Carrier oils are oils used to dilute essential oils. They are naturally derived from vegetarian sources and have a natural smell. Carrier oils do not evaporate or have a strong aroma, making them the perfect pair for diluting especially strong essential oils—reducing the concentration of the essential oil without altering its therapeutic qualities. When you dilute an essential oil with a carrier oil, you can also control its concentration before applying.
Some common carrier oils are Young Living V-6, Grapeseed Ol, Sweet Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, and Cocoa Butter. It is important to note that carrier oils do have a shelf life and this should be considered when mixing essential oil blends for long-term use.

Vita Flex Points
Vita Flex is "vitality through the reflexes" and is an easy way to apply essential oils to various body systems through the bottoms of the feet or the palms of the hands.

“I was skeptical at first but when I saw how much peppermint helped my husband with chronic pain I was hooked. I continue to be amazed every day with the unlimited uses for essential oils in my life and the lives of my family and we use them daily.”
— Nichole Utt
“I was skeptical at first, but after suffering from chronic headaches for years, I figured it was worth a try. I tried a few drops of Peppermint on my neck and I've been hooked ever since!”
— Lisa Main
“My love for oils began when I was unable to sleep more than 3 hours a night. Lavender and Stress Away became my best friends.!”
— Dawn Monteith
“I've been using one drop of Orange and one drop of Copaiba in my [face] moisturizer and I am just so happy with the results!”
— Carla Whitfield