May 2017 Promo Spotlight!

Young Living is offering some FABULOUS promos (Retail Value over $243.74) for the Month of May! These will make a great gift for that special lady in your life on Mother’s Day but they aren’t limited to mothers. Anybody can benefit from these awesome products. You can take advantage of these promotions when you order your Premium Starter Kit (PSK) and/or sign up for our exclusive Essential Rewards (ER) Program today! Click on the Order link at the top of this page to get started.
15 ml Tangerine – free with every PSK purchase May 1-31, 2017. Tangerine has anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties. Supports the body’s emotional balance, immune system, and skin. It is also very calming and has a sedative effect so it is fabulous when diffused. Has a wonderful citrus aroma that mixes well with other oils such as Frankincense, Bergamot, Basil, Geranium, and Clary Sage.
When you place your order, and reach the following order levels you will receive these other additional FREE promos.
100 PV – 5ml Orange Vitality (ER exclusive so order must be placed through ER to qualify for this item) – supports the digestive and immune systems, emotional balance and skin health. Has a wonderful citrus scent and flavor that can be added to water and other foods.
190 PV – 5 ml Jade Lemon -supports digestive and immune systems, skin health. Has a crisp, bright aroma that is very uplifting and helps to energize the spirit when diffused. Blends well with citronella, lavender, and peppermint.
15 ml Citronella – (ER exclusive so order must be placed through ER to qualify for this item) supports the muscles, bones, and skin. Wonderful as a bug repellant. Blends well with citrus oils and tree oils like pine or cedarwood. Plus, receive the 100 PV promos.
250 PV – 5 ml Ravintsara – supports the immune and respiratory systems. Is wonderful for soothing burns, cuts, scrapes, and helps relieve cold symptoms. Has a eucalyptus-like scent. Plus, receive the 100 & 190 PV promos.
300 PV – Agilease supplement – supports joint health and reduces inflammation. One bottle will last 30 days (2 capsules, once a day). Your joints will thank you.
5 ml Manuka – supports muscles, bones, respiratory system, and skin. Is calming so it helps fight stress and blends well with citrus oils, eucalyptus, cypress, and lavender. Plus, receive the 100, 190, & 250 PV promos)
340 PV – 5 ml Valor – this oil has been out of stock for over a year so get this while you can! Supports muscles, bones, skin, nervous system and promotes emotional balance. Has a sweet, spicy grounding aroma that gives a feeling of empowerment and courage. Don’t let this one get away!! Plus, receive the 100, 190, 250, & 300 PV promos)
Grab these fabulous promos (Retail Value over $243.74) for FREE today. Click on the Order link and order your PSK today.