Are Essential Oils Safe For Pets?

Some essential oils can be safely used around pets as long as you use caution and dilute appropriately. It is always best to consult with your veterinarian before introducing essential oils to your pets or if your pet has any specific health issues and is on any medications.
I regularly use essential oils around my pets, and have for the last two years, without any adverse affects. I have discussed oil usage with our veterinarian and I take her recommendations into consideration when deciding whether or not I should use a specific essential oil on or around my pets.
Young Living has a line of products, called Animal Scents, that has been developed with our pets in mind and the introduction of these products, when used as directed, can be a rewarding experience for both you and your pets. To read more about essential oil usage with pets visit the Young Living blog here.
If you are ready to start your journey with essential oils for you or your pet you can sign up here and get started today!